Below is the code for validate date in php (server side validations).
function to check if date entered by date control
is valid date or not
function validdate($tmpdate,$id,$action,$backpg)
list($year, $month, $day)=split('[/,.-]', $tmpdate);
$msg= "Invalid date formats: $tmpdate";
if (ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})", $tmpdate, $regs))
$a= strlen("$regs[3]");
$msg= "Invalid date formats: $tmpdate";
$msg= "Invalid date format: $tmpdate";
$msg= "Invalid date format: $tmpdate";
$msg= "Invalid date format: $tmpdate";
}//closing else
Monday, May 19, 2008
validate date by php script
Friday, February 1, 2008
image upload script
hi this is for image upload.
code start.
//user defined variables
$abpath = "/home/zachwhit/public_html/demo/imgrand"; //Absolute path to where images are uploaded. No trailing slash
$sizelim = "no"; //Do you want size limit, yes or no
$size = "2500000"; //What do you want size limited to be if there is one
//all image types to upload
$cert1 = "image/pjpeg"; //Jpeg type 1
$cert2 = "image/jpeg"; //Jpeg type 2
$cert3 = "image/gif"; //Gif type
$log = "";
$random1 = rand(1, 99999999);
$random2 = rand(1, 99999999);
$random3 = rand(1, 99999999);
$random4 = rand(1, 99999999);
$random5 = rand(1, 99999999);
//begin upload 1
//checks if file exists
if ($img1_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 1
if ($img1_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img1_name")) {
$log .= "File 1 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img1_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 1 was too big
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img1_type == $cert1) or ($img1_type == $cert2) or ($img1_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img1_type == $cert1) or ($img1_type == $cert2)) {
$img1_name = $random1 . ".jpeg";
if ($img1_type == $cert3) {
$img1_name = $random1 . ".gif";
@copy($img1, "$abpath/$img1_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 1 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img1_name")) {
$log .= "File 1 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 1 is not an image
//checks if file exists
if ($img2_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 2
if ($img2_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img2_name")) {
$log .= "File 2 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img2_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 2 was too big]
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img2_type == $cert1) or ($img2_type == $cert2) or ($img2_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img2_type == $cert1) or ($img2_type == $cert2)) {
$img2_name = $random2 . ".jpeg";
if ($img2_type == $cert3) {
$img2_name = $random2 . ".gif";
@copy($img2, "$abpath/$img2_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 2 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img2_name")) {
$log .= "File 2 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 2 is not an image
if ($img3_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 3
if ($img3_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img3_name")) {
$log .= "File 3 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img3_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 3 was too big
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img3_type == $cert1) or ($img3_type == $cert2) or ($img3_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img3_type == $cert1) or ($img3_type == $cert2)) {
$img3_name = $random3 . ".jpeg";
if ($img3_type == $cert3) {
$img3_name = $random3 . ".gif";
@copy($img3, "$abpath/$img3_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 3 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img3_name")) {
$log .= "File 3 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 3 is not an image
if ($img4_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 4
if ($img4_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img4_name")) {
$log .= "File 4 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img4_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 4 was too big
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img4_type == $cert1) or ($img4_type == $cert2) or ($img4_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img4_type == $cert1) or ($img4_type == $cert2)) {
$img4_name = $random4 . ".jpeg";
if ($img4_type == $cert3) {
$img4_name = $random4 . ".gif";
@copy($img4, "$abpath/$img4_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 4 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img4_name")) {
$log .= "File 4 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 4 is not an image
if ($img5_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 5
if ($img5_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img5_name")) {
$log .= "File 5 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img5_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 5 was too big
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img5_type == $cert1) or ($img5_type == $cert2) or ($img5_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img5_type == $cert1) or ($img5_type == $cert2)) {
$img5_name = $random5 . ".jpeg";
if ($img1_type == $cert3) {
$img5_name = $random5 . ".gif";
@copy($img5, "$abpath/$img5_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 5 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img5_name")) {
$log .= "File 5 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 5 is not an image
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
php code
hi now you can find various php codes on my blog please check regularly my posts.
and comment them