Below is the code for validate date in php (server side validations).
function to check if date entered by date control
is valid date or not
function validdate($tmpdate,$id,$action,$backpg)
list($year, $month, $day)=split('[/,.-]', $tmpdate);
$msg= "Invalid date formats: $tmpdate";
if (ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})", $tmpdate, $regs))
$a= strlen("$regs[3]");
$msg= "Invalid date formats: $tmpdate";
$msg= "Invalid date format: $tmpdate";
$msg= "Invalid date format: $tmpdate";
$msg= "Invalid date format: $tmpdate";
}//closing else
Monday, May 19, 2008
validate date by php script
Friday, February 1, 2008
image upload script
hi this is for image upload.
code start.
//user defined variables
$abpath = "/home/zachwhit/public_html/demo/imgrand"; //Absolute path to where images are uploaded. No trailing slash
$sizelim = "no"; //Do you want size limit, yes or no
$size = "2500000"; //What do you want size limited to be if there is one
//all image types to upload
$cert1 = "image/pjpeg"; //Jpeg type 1
$cert2 = "image/jpeg"; //Jpeg type 2
$cert3 = "image/gif"; //Gif type
$log = "";
$random1 = rand(1, 99999999);
$random2 = rand(1, 99999999);
$random3 = rand(1, 99999999);
$random4 = rand(1, 99999999);
$random5 = rand(1, 99999999);
//begin upload 1
//checks if file exists
if ($img1_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 1
if ($img1_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img1_name")) {
$log .= "File 1 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img1_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 1 was too big
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img1_type == $cert1) or ($img1_type == $cert2) or ($img1_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img1_type == $cert1) or ($img1_type == $cert2)) {
$img1_name = $random1 . ".jpeg";
if ($img1_type == $cert3) {
$img1_name = $random1 . ".gif";
@copy($img1, "$abpath/$img1_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 1 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img1_name")) {
$log .= "File 1 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 1 is not an image
//checks if file exists
if ($img2_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 2
if ($img2_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img2_name")) {
$log .= "File 2 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img2_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 2 was too big]
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img2_type == $cert1) or ($img2_type == $cert2) or ($img2_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img2_type == $cert1) or ($img2_type == $cert2)) {
$img2_name = $random2 . ".jpeg";
if ($img2_type == $cert3) {
$img2_name = $random2 . ".gif";
@copy($img2, "$abpath/$img2_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 2 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img2_name")) {
$log .= "File 2 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 2 is not an image
if ($img3_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 3
if ($img3_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img3_name")) {
$log .= "File 3 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img3_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 3 was too big
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img3_type == $cert1) or ($img3_type == $cert2) or ($img3_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img3_type == $cert1) or ($img3_type == $cert2)) {
$img3_name = $random3 . ".jpeg";
if ($img3_type == $cert3) {
$img3_name = $random3 . ".gif";
@copy($img3, "$abpath/$img3_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 3 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img3_name")) {
$log .= "File 3 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 3 is not an image
if ($img4_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 4
if ($img4_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img4_name")) {
$log .= "File 4 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img4_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 4 was too big
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img4_type == $cert1) or ($img4_type == $cert2) or ($img4_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img4_type == $cert1) or ($img4_type == $cert2)) {
$img4_name = $random4 . ".jpeg";
if ($img4_type == $cert3) {
$img4_name = $random4 . ".gif";
@copy($img4, "$abpath/$img4_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 4 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img4_name")) {
$log .= "File 4 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 4 is not an image
if ($img5_name == "") {
$log .= "No file selected for upload 5
if ($img5_name != "") {
//checks if file exists
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img5_name")) {
$log .= "File 5 already existed
} else {
//checks if files to big
if ($sizelim == "yes") {
if ($img5_size > $size) {
$log .= "File 5 was too big
//Checks if file is an image
if (($img5_type == $cert1) or ($img5_type == $cert2) or ($img5_type == $cert3)) {
if (($img5_type == $cert1) or ($img5_type == $cert2)) {
$img5_name = $random5 . ".jpeg";
if ($img1_type == $cert3) {
$img5_name = $random5 . ".gif";
@copy($img5, "$abpath/$img5_name") or $log .= "Couldn't copy image 5 to server
if (file_exists("$abpath/$img5_name")) {
$log .= "File 5 was uploaded
} else {
$log .= "File 5 is not an image
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
php code
hi now you can find various php codes on my blog please check regularly my posts.
and comment them
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
hi this blog for php user. i am a php programmer.
and i think php is efficient programing language for any type of web development .